Bring the outdoors in—let nature’s prints refresh your space and your spirit!

Factoid — History

Louis Agassiz Fuertes

Louis Agassiz Fuertes 0

Many consider Fuertes to be one of the world’s most prolific bird illustrators along with James Audubon and John Gould, all artists whose work we carry in our online store. Here's a brief history of his life!
  • Robert Donahue
  • Tags: History
John James Audubon

John James Audubon 0

The life of one of the most influential bird illustrators - John James Audubon.

Mistletoe 0

So why do we have a tradition of kissing under mistletoe?
Christmas Fern

Christmas Fern 0

and a mythological history.
The Audubon Effect:

The Audubon Effect: 0

When Art Complements Science
  • Robert Donahue
  • Tags: History
Curtis Botanical Magazine

Curtis Botanical Magazine 0

 . . . the world’s longest-running botanical-themed magazine
Dungeness Crab

Dungeness Crab 0

Where did it get its Name?
Orchid Fever Through the Ages

Orchid Fever Through the Ages 0

The history and legend of orchid fever.
The Black Basses

The Black Basses 0

The history and fun facts about the Black Basses!
The Mourning Dove

The Mourning Dove 0

Quick symbolism and mythological history.