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Factoid — bird poster


Birds found in your feeders during spring on the East Coast. 0

Garden Bird Mini Set. Eastern and Summer Species Identification Charts

During spring, you may see different birds at your feeder than at other times of the year. Here are some common birds you may see at your feeder on the east coast during the spring months:

  • American Goldfinch - These bright yellow birds are common at feeders in the spring and summer.

  • Ruby-throated Hummingbird - These tiny birds are migratory and usually arrive in the eastern US in April and May.

  • Baltimore Oriole - These brightly colored birds are also migratory and can be seen in the eastern US in the spring and summer.

  • Rose-breasted Grosbeak - These striking black and white birds with a bright red breast are common at feeders in the spring and summer.

  • Common Grackle - These large blackbirds are often seen at feeders in the spring.

  • Indigo Bunting - These bright blue birds are common in the eastern US in the spring and summer.

  • Eastern Bluebird - These beautiful birds are often seen at feeders in the spring and summer.

  • Tree Swallow - These migratory birds often nest in birdhouses and can be seen at feeders in the spring.

  • House Finch - These birds are common at feeders year-round, but are particularly active in the spring.

  • Chipping Sparrow - These small birds are common at feeders in the spring and summer.

Keep in mind that the birds you see at your feeder will depend on your location, the availability of food and habitat, and the time of day.

Identification Charts:

Birds at your feeder on the West Coast during the spring. 0


Bird poster and identification chart

The West Coast of the United States has a different set of birds compared to the East Coast. Here are some common birds you may see at your feeder on the West Coast during the spring months:

  • Anna's Hummingbird - These non-migratory hummingbirds are common on the West Coast year-round, but they are particularly active in the spring.

  • American Goldfinch - These bright yellow birds are also common on the West Coast in the spring and summer.

  • Purple Finch - These striking birds are often seen at feeders in the spring and summer.

  • Western Bluebird - These beautiful blue and orange birds are common on the West Coast in the spring and summer.

  • Song Sparrow - These small, brown birds are common on the West Coast year-round, but they are particularly active in the spring.

  • Dark-eyed Junco - These small, gray birds are common on the West Coast in the winter, but they can still be seen at feeders in the spring.

  • Black-headed Grosbeak - These striking black and orange birds are common on the West Coast in the spring and summer.

  • House Finch - These birds are common on the West Coast year-round and can be particularly active in the spring.

  • White-crowned Sparrow - These birds have distinctive white and black striped heads and are common on the West Coast in the spring and summer.

  • Rufous-sided Towhee - These birds are brown and orange with white spots on their wings and are common on the West Coast in the spring and summer.

Remember that the birds you see at your feeder will depend on your location, the availability of food and habitat, and the time of day.

Bird Identification Charts: