Official State Birds

This factoid is accompanied by the State Birds of the United States poster by Judy Jones.
Symbols, such as the official state designation of a bird, demonstrate our respect for and recognition of the diversity of our physical universe. How ironic then, that a number of these select birds have, despite their designation, become extinct or ended up on an endangered animal or species lists.
The study of a state bird designation can also provide an interesting historical perspective as to events taking place during that period of a State's history. Birds are among the most popular symbols in the United States and Canada. Every state and Canadian province and territory has an official bird. Some states even have two official birds.
Here are some factoids on some popular, or otherwise interesting, state birds:
Hermit Thrush (Vermont)
A very shy, somewhat nondescript little bird. The Hermit Thrush was chosen by the state of Vermont because of its exquisite flute-like song; a trait, which also resulted in it being likewise, dubbed America's "Nightingale". -
Northern Cardinal (Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia)
A strikingly beautiful bird with its bright red body and crested head. It is also unusual in that cardinals mate for life, returning year after year to the same place with the same mate. The Northern Cardinal is claimed by seven states as their state bird - the most of any of the state birds. -
Baltimore Oriole (Maryland)
The Baltimore Oriole was named for Lord Baltimore, the founder of Maryland, because the bird, like the Lord, wore orange and black colors. The bird also makes a very interesting nest, which is a pouch that hangs from several branches. -
Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher (Oklahoma)
The Flycatcher's exceptionally long tail - often nine inches on the adult male - often causes people to refer to this beautiful, elegant bird as the "bird of paradise". While flying, it opens and closes this tail like a pair of scissors. During the males courting dance, he is also known to climb to about a hundred feet and dive down a fourth of the way, zigzagging back up into the sky, and then plummeting down again. A truly exceptional display. -
Northern Mockingbird (Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas)
This bird's scientific name, Mimus polyglottos, means, "mimic of many tongues." The Mockingbird can not only mimic more than 30 other songbirds, but also the sounds of barking dogs, chirping crickets and even squeaky hinges. -
Brown Thrasher (Georgia)
The Thrasher is extremely flexible due to the fact that it has more vertebrae in its neck than a giraffe! It can preen its feathers on the back of its neck, and even under its throat. -
California Gull (Utah)
Gratitude was most likely responsible for the California Gull's designation by Utah. It seems that in the summer of 1848 a flock of California Gulls devoured a swarm of crickets that were threatening to destroy the settlers' crops. -
Blue Hen Chicken (Delaware)
Poultry, especially chicken, has long been an important social and economic symbol of well being of the State of Delaware. The Delaware Blue Hen is not a recognized breed or strain of chicken, however. The term evolved through a historical account and refers to fighting gamecocks that gained fame during the Revolutionary War. Some reports have also held that a regiment of the militia may have similarly dubbed the Blue Hens "Chickens" when they gained a reputation for their ferocity and success in battle.
Offical State Bird Table
Alabama - Yellowhammer | Alaska - Willow Ptarmigan |
Arizona - Cactus Wren | Arkansas - Mockingbird |
California - California Quail | Colorado - Lark Bunting |
Connecticut - American Robin | Delaware - Blue Hen Chicken |
Florida - Mockingbird | Georgia - Brown Thresher |
Hawaii - Hawaiian Goose | Idaho - Mountain Bluebird |
Illinois - Cardinal | Indiana - Cardinal |
Iowa - American Goldfinch | Kansas - Western Meadowlark |
Kentucky - Cardinal | Louisiana - Brown Pelican |
Maine - Black-Capped Chickadee | Maryland - Baltimore Oriole |
Massachusetts - Black-Capped Chickadee | Michigan - American Robin |
Minnesota - Common Loon | Mississippi - Mockingbird |
Missouri - Eastern Bluebird | Montana - Western Meadowlark |
Nebraska - Western Meadowlark | Nevada - Mountain Bluebird |
New Hampshire - Purple Finch | New Jersey - American Goldfinch |
New Mexico - Roadrunner | New York - Eastern Bluebird |
North Carolina - Cardinal | North Dakota - Western Meadowlark |
Ohio - Cardinal | Oklahoma - Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher |
Oregon - Western Meadowlark | Pennsylvania - Ruffed Grouse |
Rhode Island - Rhode Island Red | South Carolina - Carolina Wren |
South Dakota - Ring-Necked Pheasant | Tennessee - Mockingbird |
Texas - Mockingbird | Utah - California Gull |
Vermont - Hermit Thrush | Virginia - Cardinal |
West Virginia - Cardinal | Washington - American Goldfinch |
Wisconsin - American Robin | Wyoming - Western Meadowlark |
- Robert Donahue
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